Konji su najveličanstvenija bića na zemlji. Često samo jedan pogled na ove moćne životinje dok galopiraju dovoljan je da vam oduzme dah.

Ipak za sada nismo videli tako fascinantno lepog konja kao što je frizijski konj Fridrih Veliki.

Even when we are tamed and trained, there always remains a spark of something wild ~ signed, Frederik the Great

Posted by Frederik the Great on Monday, February 22, 2016

Ovaj visoko cenjeni konj deli ime Pruskog kralja koji je vladao od 1740. - 1786. godine.

"SO HAPPY IT'S SPRING", but also tornado season. Stay safe out there my Friends signed, Frederik the Great

Posted by Frederik the Great on Thursday, April 9, 2015

Jako je mišićav, ima upadljive crne karakteristike i gracioznu grivu.

SHOWING OFF for the girls in the other pasture signed, Frederik the Great

Posted by Frederik the Great on Thursday, December 4, 2014

Prelepi pastuv zadivio je mnoge, te njegova Fejsbuk stranica ima skoro 13.000 pratioca.

Hast thou clothed his neck with thunder? ~ GOD ~ signed Frederik the Great Photography by Cally Matherly

Posted by Frederik the Great on Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Fridrih je definitivno najfotogeničniji konj na svetu.


Posted by Frederik the Great on Thursday, December 4, 2014

Prelepi pastuv zadivio je mnoge, te njegova Fejsbuk stranica ima skoro 13.000 pratioca.

Hast thou clothed his neck with thunder? ~ GOD ~ signed Frederik the Great Photography by Cally Matherly

Posted by Frederik the Great on Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Fridrih je definitivno najfotogeničniji konj na svetu.
