
POTRESNA ISPOVEST BOLNIČARA: Priča iza fotografije krvavih patika će vas ostaviti bez teksta

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Upravo sam proveo 45 minuta pokušavajući da poništim grešku ovog deteta, ali to nije pomoglo. Ne budite glupi, ljudi. Vidite kako je nama bolničarima, naveo je bolničar

Jedan bolničar je na društvenoj mreži Redit objavio fotografiju krvavih patika 16-godišnjeg tinejdžera i uz nju priču o spasavanju pod naslovom "Ovo je moj život".

"Neki će zbijati šale na račun ovih patika i krvi. Ali znajte ovo, 16-godišnjak neće ugledati sutrašnju svetlost dana. Upravo sam proveo 45 minuta pokušavajući da poništim grešku ovog deteta, ali to nije pomoglo. Ne budite glupi, ljudi. Vidite kako je nama bolničarima", napisao je medicinski radnik, a ljudi koji su to videli insistirali su da detaljnije napiše o čemu se radi.

Bolničar je na zahtev mnogih nastavio priču rekavši da on ima 23 godine i da se tim poslom bavi od 19. godine.

Since so many people are asking what exactly happened, I decided to do a separate post. Know now that I can not disclose names, numbers, or locations of anyone involved. First off, I'm 23yo and I've been doing this since I was 19. I have had run-ins with drunkards, layabouts, and every sort of scumbag you can imagine. I have also come across some of the sweetest, most caring people that usually only need a hand to hold, or a ear to talk into. In this particular case, a couple of boys from the local neighborhood decided they were going to harass a local security guard. The Guard kindly asks them to leave the premises, in which case the get rowdy and eventually throw something at the security guard. The security guard runs the hooligans off and resumes his post. In no time at all the boys come back with more of their friends, and are armed. The security guard asks them to leave once more, and one of the boys responds by firing a round into the air. At this time the security guard, who just so happens to have been in a certain branch of the military that is knows for rapid quailing of acts of violence, takes cover and immediately calls for back up. While this is going on, the boys start firing at the security guards cover. The officer then utilizes his God given talents, and quickly takes out a few of the boys. This breaks the group up, and they all scatter. The amazing thing is, that the security officer then started to try and save the boys. When ambulances arrived on scene, we did what we could and got on our way. My crew being the last on scene, we took the last patient who just happens to have been the 16yo kid I'm my previous post. I did all that I could have for him, and even though we were no farther than 10mjn away from a trauma center he did not make it. Those of us in EMS have a saying though, "the patient can die in their house, or at the hospital, but no one dies in the back of our ambulance. Thanks for the interest guys. I have plenty more.

"Dvojica mladića uznemiravala su jednog radnika obezbeđenja. On ih je ljubazno zamolio da napsute prostorije zgrade, ali oni su postali agresivni i nečim su ga gađali. Čuvar ih je oterao, ali su se ubrzo vratili sa prijateljima i jedan mladić je čak i pucao u vazduh. Radnik je tada pozvao kolege i tu je došlo do još većeg vatrenog obračuna", opisuje radnik Hitne pomoći.

Nakon pucnjave neki od nasilnika su pobegli, dok je one ranjene čuvar pokušao da spase. Hitna pomoć u kojoj je bio vlasnik krvave fotke stigla je na mesto obračuna poslednja.

"Uradio sam sve što sam mogao za njega i iako nam je falilo deset minuta do bolnice - on nije preživeo", završio je potresnu priču.