DOBOVA - U slovenačkom gradu Dobova sukobili su se policija i bliskoistočne izbeglice, a snimak je objavljen na stranici Fejsbuku koja okuplja volontere.
Volonteri koji već nedeljama pomažu izbeglicama navode da su za to krivci slovenačka policija i vlasti.
“Ovo se događa kada držite veliki broj ljudi na malom, prenatrpanom prostoru, bez hrane, vode ili čak toaleta. Hvala ti, hrabri čoveče, što si ovo snimio, štitićemo tvoj identitet i želimo sreću i tebi i tvojoj porodici“, navodi se na stranici.
Napominje se, primera radi, da postoji dva toaleta za 400 ljudi.
DOBOVA 28.10. 2015. - This is what happens when you keep too many people on a small, overcrowded place without food, water or even toliets (there are 2 toliets for 400 people outside of the tents in Dobova 1 - this footage is from Dobova 2 where tension is building up and could lead to another disaster). Thank you, brave man, for sending this footage. We'll protect your identity and we hope for all the best for you and your family. #openbordersEDIT: After we published this video, government officials have visited Dobova 2 camp - reminding us it's good to put some pressure on authorities from time to time. Hope things will get better now. :)
Ovako inače izgleda jedan od kampova za izbeglice u Sloveniji.
A shelter in Slovenian #Dobova. From here, refugees are being sent to the Austrian border by train.