Uhvatio je zadivljujuće momente Sidneja kao deo njegovog projekta "Air."
Sydney, Australia, through the lens of Vincent Laforet Air. See more of Vincent's incredible #aerial #photography from 2 miles high in the sky at www.laforetair.com and www.vincentlaforet.com
Poznat po svojim izveštajima iz Avganistana i Paksistana, Laforet je godinu dana leteo helikopterom kako bi zabeležio fotografije poznatih svetskih metropola.
Chicago, Illinois, through the lens of Vincent Laforet Air. See more of Vincent's incredible #aerial #photography from 2 miles high in the sky at www.laforetair.com and www.vincentlaforet.com
"Došao sam u Sidnej jer je jedan od mojih omiljenih gradova. Ovde su fotografisane mnoge ikonske fotografije Sidnejske opere, Sidnejskog lučkog mosta, a grad je takođe bogat neverovatnim i jedinstvenim terenom", rekao je Laforet.
Berlin, Germany, through the lens of Vincent Laforet Air. See more of Vincent's incredible #aerial #photography from 2 miles high in the sky at www.laforetair.com and www.vincentlaforet.com
Priznati fotograf nazvao je ovaj projekat "najzadivljujućim projektom" u kome je ikad učestvovao jer su ljudi reagovali na slike komentarom da one nisu namenjene samo fotografima već i običnim ljudima.
Los Anđeles.
"Ono što sam saznao je da sam jedini čovek koji se popeo na 2.2 kilometra iznad grada da bi ga fotografisao", izjavio je fotograf.
London, United Kingdom, though the lens of Vincent Laforet Air. See more of Vincent's incredible #aerial #photography from 2 miles high in the sky at www.laforetair.com and www.vincentlaforet.com
Napredak tehnologije i softvera u fotografiji omogućila je Laforetu da fotografiše osvetljene gradske drumove i autoputeve.
Las Vegas.
Las Vegas, Nevada, through the lens of Vincent Laforet Air. See more of Vincent's incredible #aerial #photography from 2 miles high in the sky at www.laforetair.com and www.vincentlaforet.com
"Ovo je prvi put da sam ovako nešto uspeo da fotografišem, miks starog, zatamljeno-žutog svetla i novih, blistavo-plavih 'LED' uličnih svetiljki", rekao je fotograf.
New York, New York, through the lens of Vincent Laforet Air.See more of Vincent's incredible #aerial #photography from 2 miles high in the sky at www.laforetair.com and www.vincentlaforet.com
On je takođe izjavio da sa te visine grad izgleda kompaktno i da tako možemo shvatiti koliko je svet mali.
Barcelona, Spain through the lens of Vincent Laforet Air. See more of Vincent's incredible #aerial #photography from 2 miles high in the sky at www.laforetair.com and www.vincentlaforet.com
San Francisko.
San Francisco, California, through the lens of Vincent Laforet Air.See more of Vincent's incredible #aerial #photography from 2 miles high in the sky at www.laforetair.com and www.vincentlaforet.com
Miami, Florida, through the lens of Vincent Laforet Air. See more of Vincent's incredible #aerial #photography from 2 miles high in the sky at www.laforetair.com and www.vincentlaforet.com