Tužna ispovest

(VIDEO) MAMA KOJA JE RASPLAKALA CEO SVET: Izgubila sam troje dece u istom trenutku!

Foto: Printskrin Fb
Početkom prošlog meseca u gradu Von, država Ontario, desila se stravična nesreća u kom su život izgubile četiri osobe, glasilo je saopštenje policije.

Umesto srećnog vikenda koji su trebali da provedu kod bake i dede, Danjel Nevil Lejk (9), Harison Nevil Lejk (5), Mili Nevil Lejk (2), i njihov deda Geri Nevil (65) izgubili su živote u strašnoj saobraćajnoj nesreći, kada je u njih udario pijani vozač identifikovan kao Marko Muco (29). Muco je i ranije bio kaznjavan zbog voznji u pijanom stanju kao i zbog drugih krivičnih dela.

Dženifer Nevil Lejk i njen suprug Ed, roditelji mališana, spremali su se za proslavu svoje 10.godišnjce braka. Kao poklon roditeljima za njihov poseban dan, mališani su osmišljali plesnu koreografiju koju su trebali da izvedu u njihovu čast. Umesto veselih lica i proslave svoje ljubavi, Dženifer i Ed su se suočili sa strašnom boli.

"Umesto osmeha, sreće i pogleda u svetliju budućnost koja je pred nema, našu godišnjicu proveli smo u tišini i ne iskazivoj tugi za našim mališanima", rekla je Dženifer.

Today is the day we bury my family. Ed's and my hopes for the future, our legacy and our dreams will be committed to the ground for eternity along with my father who was the "patriarch" of my family. Ed and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary looking at the caskets full of our broken and stolen dreams. But our day was supposed to have another beginning and I came across the video that shows it. Just over 2 months ago our children began rehearsing a dance that they were going to perform for us on Friday Oct 2 in the morning - our 10th wedding anniversary. Our life as a family was far from "picture perfect" but it was ours and it was our paradise. I came across this song called "Just Another Day In Paradise" and the kids wanted to dance to it. Every night at dinner we would pray and I would always ask for another day with the ones I love. Here is the only rehearsal I have on record but it shows the personalities of each of them. If you knew Harry please take note of far he had come by seeing how he dances and twirls. Milly giggles throughout as my beautiful Daniel directs his brother and sister. You can hear the exasperation in his voice when they don't always follow his direction and see how lovingly he helps to guide them. You will notice that Harry is in a dress, the truth is that for self help skills it was easier for him to be independent wearing a dress then if he wore pants. This was also the day he was able to successfully put on and take off his socks completely independently. Thank you for watching my children. All your love and prayers are always appreciated. God bless. Love, Jenn and Ed

Posted by Jennifer Neville-Lake on субота 17. октобар 2015.

"Postavljajući ovaj video na društvene mreže, želela sam da pokažem kako su veseli i razdragani mališani bili. Njihov smeh, šale i plas očigledan su dokaz za to. Gledajući ih takve, negde u sebi dobijam i volju da preguram naredni dan", zaključuje Dženifer.

Neutešni roditelji pokrenuli su peticiju i njome pozvali vlasti u Kanadi da uvedu strožije kazne za pijane vozače. Ed, otac nastradalih mališana, izjavio je za medije da je njegov primarni cilj da svoju porodicu izvuče iz tuge koja ih je zadesila, a ne da se bavi slučajem Muco.

"Bez obzira kakva kazna da mu sledi, to neće vratiti našu decu. Oni su bili naša budućnost…ali oni više nisus a nama", izjavio je Ed za CBS.
