(FOTO) NIKO NIJE HTEO DA IH UDOMI: Došli su na sjajnu ideju kako da pomognu ovim kucama
Naime, ljudi iz orgnazacije došli su na ideju da kučiće smeste u kabinu za slikanje i prikažu njihov karakter.
The Dogs Photo Booth by Guinnevere Shuster #artpeopleSubmit your Artwork and join our artists @ www.artpeople.net
To je rezultiralo ovom serijom fotografija.
The Dogs Photo Booth by Guinnevere Shuster #artpeopleSubmit your Artwork and join our artists @ www.artpeople.net
Sjajno su ispali na svim fotkama.
The Dogs Photo Booth by Guinnevere Shuster #artpeopleSubmit your Artwork and join our artists @ www.artpeople.net
Bilo im je vrlo zanimljivo.
Neki su se malo zbunili.
Dog Photo-Booth Sessions!A photographer has been taking photo booth-style pictures of adoptable dogs for a Humane...
Osmeh je presudan.
The Dogs Photo Booth by Guinnevere Shuster #artpeopleSubmit your Artwork and join our artists @ www.artpeople.net
Malo mu je zasmetao blic.
The Dogs Photo Booth by Guinnevere Shuster #artpeopleSubmit your Artwork and join our artists @ www.artpeople.net
(Sad and useless)