NEOBJAVLJENA FOTO ARHIVA NACIONALNE GEOGRAFIJE: Savršeni trenuci koji su postali vanvremenski
Poznata je po svojim zanosnim dnevnim fotografijama, Nacionalna geografija ima mogućnost da "uroni" u arhivu prethodno neobjavljenih fotografija.
Projekat po imenu "Found" osnovan je 2013. godine u čast 125. godišnjice od nastanka Nacionalne geografije. Tim koji radi na projektu kaže da je njihova misija da ožive stare fotografije prezentujući ih novoj publici. Iako negde nedostaju podaci o datumu i lokaciji, ovi snimci zabeležili su savršene momente i učinili ih vanvremenskim.
Fotografije je iskopao Čuvar kolekcije Vilijam Boner, koji ih još smatra za veoma inspirativne čak i nakon brojnih godina provedenih u arhivi. A zajedno sa urednicom Janom Dočkali i njenoj ljubavi prema estetici, stari materijal "sija" kao nov.
Senka čoveka koji drži biciklu blizu Zambezi reke 1996. godine
Unpublished Photo from National Geographic Archives- A shadow of a man holding bicycle is cast on a wall near the Zambezi river, 1996.
Aleksander Grejam Bel i Mejbl, oktobar 1903. godine.
This is Alexander Graham Bell and his wife, Mabel. See what other treasures can be found in the National Geographic archives:
Irski čuvari, jun 1966. godine
Irish Guards Remain At Attention After One Guardsman Faints In London, England, June 1966
The show must go on! Irish guard faints, his colleagues stay in their role during the Queen's birthday celebration in 1966.Credit: James P. Blair/National Geographic Creative
Kauboji u Arizoni ubijaju vreme, 1955. godina
Arizona cowboys play sports to pass the time in Phoenix, 1955.... from the National Geographic "Found" Archives
Lav riče da bi zaštitio svoju ženku u Kruger nacionalnom parku
A male lion roars to protect his mate in Kruger National Park,... from the National Geographic "Found" Archives
Polje se pretvara iz narandžaste u zelenu dok seljaci beru neven
A field turns from orange to green as harvesters pick marigold... from the National Geographic "Found" Archives
Zamrznute štuke u snegu, Minesota
Frozen walleye pike kiss the snow in Mille Lacs, Minnesota,... from the National Geographic "Found" Archives
Dečak i pas odmaraju kod čvornovatog rogač drveta
A boy rests with his dogs by a gnarled carob tree in Capri,... from the National Geographic "Found" Archives
Devojčice u Severnoj Koreji vežbaju harmonike
North Korean school girls practice playing accordions, August... from the National Geographic "Found" Archives
Prastari rimski most u Iraku
An ancient Roman bridge spans the Wadi al Murr in Mosul, Iraq,... from the National Geographic "Found" Archives
Penjač na steni
Hikers stand near the top of a natural rock bridge on Mt.... from the National Geographic "Found" Archives
Vojnik iz Drugog svetskog rata previja šapu psu
A WWI allied soldier bandages the paw of a Red Cross working dog... from the National Geographic "Found" Archives
Aerial of the Great Salt Lake in Utah.Photograph by Paul Zahl,... from the National Geographic "Found" Archives
Kombinacija peska i kiše
A combination sand and rain storm batters a lone automobile in... from the National Geographic "Found" Archives
Čovek balasnira kamen na svojim kolenima
A man balances a piece of pumice rock on his legs in Katmai... from the National Geographic "Found" Archives
Bacanje dve lopte sa tornja u Pizi
Two balls dropped from the tower in Pisa replay Galileo’s... from the National Geographic "Found" Archives
Maca na lokvanju
A kitten aboard a floating Victoria water lily pad in the... from the National Geographic "Found" Archives
Dvojica muškaraca bore se da iskobeljaju motor iz bodljikave žice
Two men struggle to free their scooter from a barbed-wire... from the National Geographic "Found" Archives
Brod Britanik
The Britannic, a massive British steamer and sister ship to the... from the National Geographic "Found" Archives
Stado ovaca u Škotskoj
A man herds sheep with the help of his collies in Scotland,... from the National Geographic "Found" Archives
Maca napada svoj odraz u ogledalu
With claws bared, a kitten attacks its own mirrored reflection,... from the National Geographic "Found" Archives
Inženjeri testiraju katapult
Dummy pilot and seat soar, as engineers test a catapult escape... from the National Geographic "Found" Archives
Čovek i pas u Josmit nacionalnom parku
A man and his dog on the Overhanging Rock in Yosemite National... from the National Geographic "Found" Archives
Marinci u Tajvanu vežbaju upotrebu plamenobacača
Marine infantry in Taiwan practice using flame throwers in a... from the National Geographic "Found" Archives
Žena bere orhideje
A woman harvests vanda orchids from Hilo nursery fields in... from the National Geographic "Found" Archives
Konstrukcija semafora
Traffic lights are made in Shreveport, Louisiana, and sent... from the National Geographic "Found" Archives
Nilski konji u bazenu
A hippopotamus and his mate line up at tank’s edge at... from the National Geographic "Found" Archives