Iako su se u trenutku nezgode na autu aktivirali vazdušni jastuci a prednji deo automobila teško oštećen, žena je nastavila da vozi sa iščupanim drvetom kao da se ništa nije dogodilo.
Automobil sa neobičnim "ukrasom" na hladnjaku privukao je pažnju policajca koji je patrolirao putem. Kada je zaustavio vozilo ustanovio je da je Meri En Kristi (54) u drvo udarila u susednom gradu, Šaumburgu, ali da se ne seća tačno gde.
Nakon što je obavio alko-test i utvrdio da je vozila pijana, policajac ju je priveo.
Since we are new to Facebook, we were not quite sure what to expect from our post. We have received requests to post the video from this call. Some just didn't believe it was true, so we have attached a short video of this call.The first portion of the video is in slow-motion and shows the car traveling in the opposite direction; the second portion shows the officer trying to stop the car and then as he approaches the driver. Yes, it is true and it happened! DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE!
Policija je fotografije i video objavila na svojoj Fejsbuk stranici, navodeći da se incident dogodio u februaru, uz apel vozačima da ne voze ako su pre toga konzumirali alkohol.
A few weeks ago, a Roselle police officer saw a car driving southbound on Roselle Road with a 15-foot tree embedded in...