ANOTHER ATTACK AGAINST SERBS IN KOSOVO: Group of Albanians beat up youth near Klokot on his way back from Christmas liturgy!

Foto: Kurir

After wounding Stefan and Miloš Stojanović near Štrpci, another Serbian youth was attacked last night, on Christmas Day, in Kosovo and Metohija. At around 2.30 am, a group of Albanians beat up Stefan Tomić (18) from Klokot as he was returning with his brother from the midnight Christmas liturgy at the Church of Saint Peter and Paul in Klokot.

When the church service was over, the youth headed to his aunt's and was attacked on his way there by a group of Albanians, some of whom he recognized as members of a local restaurant's security.

Foto: Kurir

Stefan suffered eye, arm, abdomen, and leg injuries, and sought medical help at a healthcare centre in Vitina.

The Director of The Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petković, has spoken with the Tomić family, conveying to them the message of support from the Government of Serbia, which will be there to assist them.

Foto: Kurir

The family reported the entire case to the police, who questioned Stefan about the attack until early in the morning.

This treacherous attack against a Serbian youth in Kosovo and Metohija also demonstrates that the hostile anti-Serbian sentiment has gripped Kosovo and Metohija, and that the Serbs, especially those living south of the river Ibar, are vulnerable.

Foto: Kurir

This is why one is left wondering what the international community is doing to prevent such attacks against Serbs and enhance their safety, which is their primary duty and obligation.