
MINISTER BRATISLAV GAŠIĆ: ‘We are all responsible for tragedies befalling us. You, me, every member of our society’

Foto: Nemanja Nikolić

The scenes that I saw on 3 May at the school and immediately after, on 4 May in Mladenovac, will forever be burnt in my memory and will hurt for as long as I live. I won’t waste time accusing others. I know that I can do the most from the position that I’m in

Minister of Internal Affairs Bratislav Gašić warned early this year that the situation was very difficult for our people in Kosovo & Metohija, but that the state authorities would do their utmost to preserve peace and security. Half a year later, the situation is incomparably more difficult, and the atmosphere, it appears, has never been worse. As someone who heads the security sector and who is certainly in possession of more information about the true nature of the situation, we asked him what it really is. Gašić also spoke with Kurir for its anniversary issue about the demands for his stepping down and the responsibilities in the wake of two great tragedies that have befallen us.

As Gašić pointed out at the beginning of the conversation, the security situation in Kosovo & Metohija is complex.

“And we can see that in frequent provocations and incidents, but also in the unilateral actions on the part of Priština which are in direct contravention of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244, as well as of the internationally binding Brussels Agreement, thereby jeopardizing the rights and safety of both Serbs and other non-Albanian populace. The responsible policy of dialogue and compromise carried out by President Aleksandar Vučić and the Government of Serbia is the policy of peace and stability, and we will do our utmost to make sure that our people in the southern Serbian province are safe. Serbia will not allow anyone banishing its people from their centuries-old homes in Kosovo & Metohija. We are persistent and unwavering in providing a better and safer living for all the citizens. The most important thing is that the people in Kosovo & Metohija know this, that they believe in its state and that everything that President Vučić, the Government of Serbia, and all its institutions are doing regarding the resolution of the problems in Kosovo will not stop until they win the fight for justice and the rights of the Serbian people.”

To put it as directly as possible – is there a threat of war? President Vučić too has talked about the fact that Kurti wants to provoke war and that in doing so he has the support of some countries of the West. Is there any reason for fear?

“Kurti wouldn’t have dared use provocations to cause conflicts and corner us without serious support. His actions have long since gone beyond provocations. When they beat up our children, when they shoot at our people, when they violate all the rights of our citizens in Kosovo & Metohija every day – the rights that are precisely defined in Resolution 1244 and the international agreements – then it is a case of a very targeted intention to cause much larger-scale conflicts. We are a serious state. President Vučić is a strong person, who is determined to make sure all the citizens are safe by implementing the policy of peace, stability, and dialogue. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is completely ready to protect all Serbia’s citizens and won’t allow anyone to jeopardize their safety.”

The president of Kurti’s police union has denied his claims regarding the armed members of the special police forces who were arrested in central Serbia and released two days ago. We have heard various versions and theories. What is the truth?

“The truth about the intentions and tasks of the three arrested members of the so-called Kosovo Police will be established in the investigation. The fact is that they had been located and arrested deep in the territory of central Serbia, and that they were in full combat gear, carrying three automatic rifles, ammunition, GPS devices, maps, and other equipment. Members of the Serbian Police Forces, the antiterrorist group attached to a special police unit, arrested them in the area of the village of Gnjilica, in the Raška Municipality, which is over a kilometre into the territory of central Serbia. Both Kurti and his associates know this very well. And yet they claim it’s not true, and that we are further damaging relations that are already strained. We are a serious state, we respect Resolution 1244 and the Military Technical Agreement, but also the safety of the citizens, peace, and stability, as well as the preservation of our country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, which are our sacrosanct priorities. We are showing that the state is stronger. The MIF’s priority is for people to feel safe and secure in their country, and we are working hard to build up the citizens’ trust in the police.”

President Vučić has said that our security structures never set foot in the territory of Kosovo & Metohija, but were that to happen, that they would not return. How should we understand that?

“MIF members have never crossed, or come near, the administrative line, nor have they carried out a single illegal action in treating the arrested persons. The state policy implemented by President Vučić is dedicated to political dialogue and finding a compromise solution for a sustainable, secure, and prosperous coexistence of Serbs and Albanians. We are doing our best to preserve peace, but we will not allow further persecution and jeopardizing of the Serbian people simply because thy happen to be Serbs. The President knows that it is the priority of each MIF member to protect all Serbia’s citizens and their property, which means taking care of the security of our fellow nationals in the southern Serbian province as well. We are actively following the developments, and are ready to respond appropriately and protect our people.”

In addition to Kosovo & Metohija, which is a hot topic, we also have a political crisis and the protests organized by a part of the political opposition – “Serbia Against Violence”. One of the demands is that you step down. When you see those people on the streets, week in, week out, demanding this, what thoughts do you have? Vučić has said a number of times that he will not meet this demand, and that relieving you of your duties is out of the question. Have you at any point offered to tender a resignation?

“Serbia is a democratic, free country, and every citizen has the right to express their opinion when and how they wish to do so. On the other hand, the political actions of the opposition, as it strives to denigrate and belittle the efforts and progress made by the state, has neglected the exclusive goal that we all should aim for – the preservation of peace, stability, and welfare of the entire Serbian nation. If the sole motivation and programme of the opposition policies is toppling President Vučić, then they are fighting only for personal, individual gain. And their policy can only be termed the policy of unrest and instability aimed at obtaining personal benefits. As regards the responsibility for the tragedies that have befallen us, we are all responsible. You, me, and every member of our society. Furthermore, I will not waste any time accusing others. I know that I can do my best from the position that I am in, making sure that our citizens, our children, parents – each and every citizen of Serbia – feel safe and secure. And we shouldn’t be levelling accusations at each other; rather, each and every one of us, from the position that we are in, should do our utmost to make sure such tragedies never happen again. The Serbian Police has the capacity, the strength, the will, and the knowledge to ensure peace, stability, and security of the citizens of Serbia. In this exceptionally difficult period for the entire nation, it has shown that it is stable, strong, and determined to introduce all the measures that will ensure safety and peace for our children and all of us. Perhaps it is not ideal, but Serbia offers a better life now. And of course it can be even better. This is why everyday we take longer strides ahead aiming to attain the European standards in all the segments of our country as soon as possible. If you want power over the long term, then you don’t take it by force and on the street – you get it from the people, by diligent and dedicated work, stable strategic projects, and the trust of the citizens that you must earn.”

The start of your term in office as the head of the MIF was practically marked by two massacres and great tragedies. Now the country is facing floods, with the MIF being most involved in helping. Do you ever think – and how often – “why did I need this”?

“I have been at the helm of the most important security sector institutions for many years, and I’ve seen a great deal, but the tragedies that have occurred have gone beyond all my previous experiences and expectations. I hadn’t expected or believed that that form of human perversity could ever appear in Serbia. The very information that the victims are children and that their lives were taken by a child, at the hand of a child…. The young people killed in Mladenovac by a young man as well… It’s hard for the heart and the mind to accept that and just go on. The scenes that I saw on 3 May at the school and immediately after, on 4 May in Mladenovac, will forever be burnt in my memory and will hurt for as long as I live. On the other hand, the floods have destroyed many families’ homes, fields, and planted seeds… I went to the worst-affected areas, and the authorities will help in whatever way they can. I spoke to the locals, because in order to set the priorities straight, you need to hear those people who live there, raise their children there, and farm their land. The openness of these people as we discussed the problems, the way in which they express both the criticism and the hope that we would help, showed me that they believe their state and have no fear of expressing their opinion. I’m convinced that together we will be able to overcome and repair the consequences of these catastrophic natural disasters. The worst things that could happen have happened to us this year. But the state has shown that it is strong, responsible, and ready to respond promptly, organizing and directing all of its resources towards increasing the security of the citizens, especially children. God gives us the burden he knows we can carry. So I know that not only can I carry the burden that I am carrying, but also that I can make a significant contribution to our country being safe and secure for work, life, and growing up of our children.”

Speaking of the opposition demands, President Vučić has offered talks, mentioning even snap elections, but there has been no response from the other side. What is even brought up is a possible protest radicalization. Will there still be snap elections?

“This is precisely the policy of dialogue and compromise. President Vučić sincerely sent that invitation to the opposition. Ignoring such an invitation speaks to their insincere intentions, motivations, and interests. As regards the snap elections, you know this is a question of an agreement between the political actors in Serbia, as well as that it’s necessary to meet all the conditions that would allow the normal functioning of the state during that process. It is dangerous and irresponsible to arbitrarily interpret such decisions and speculate about such an important topic for all the citizens of Serbia.”

It has been eight months since the Government was formed. We have touched upon the tragedies that occurred in early May and all that has followed but, despite all of that, how much of what was planned have you been able to achieve in your sector, and what is it?

“I’m very proud that we are convinced every day that we’re on the right track, that people increasingly trust their police, and that the police uniform once again makes our citizens feel safe and secure. Owing to the whole-hearted support of the Government of Serbia and President Aleksandar Vučić, we have been equipping the MIF members in accordance with all the cutting-edge standards and working hard to improve the working conditions. In the past six months alone, a new facility has been built in Kula, to be used as a police station, as well as the facilities of the Emergency Situation Sector in Trgovište and Aleksandrovac. We have opened a new office of the Foreign Nationals Administration, which has moved from inadequate work and admissions premises in Savska Street to the premises in the FEC 3 building, with modern equipment. Furthermore, we have a smart police station on the Belgrade Waterfront for the first time in Serbia, allowing state-of-the-art software mode of issuing personal documents. The police station in Savska Street has been renovated, as well as the MIF buildings in 101 and 103 Kneza Miloša Street, the police stations in Vladičin Han and Bujanovac, and the hotel Narcis on Mount Zlatibor. The warehouse complex Duvanište near Smederevo and the shooting range at the training centre in Kula have been reconstructed, and the FEC 2 building has been adapted. A new Command and Operation Centre, with cutting-edge equipment, has started operating. Works are underway to renovate the Administrative Affairs Agency and Transport Police Administration buildings in Ljermontovljeva Street, as well as the building of the police station in Kraljevo. A new police station is being constructed in Sjenica, and works have just begun on the police stations in Vlasotince and Krupanj, as well as the construction of a new facility for the Fire and Rescue Unit in Kragujevac. The first phase of the adaptation of the National Centre for Criminal Forensics has also started. The project documentation is being drawn up and the preparatory works have started for the construction of a new modern facility for the training and accommodation of the Jakov Nenadović Secondary School at the Centre for Basic Police Training in Sremska Kamenica. The Helicopter Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been reinforced by another Super Puma, and works are underway for building a new hangar for the needs of this unit. And of course, we already have plans and procedures that we have initiated for the projects to be implemented in the upcoming period, but this is yet to be discussed.”

Can we soon expect larger-scale personnel changes at the MIF?

“The most important thing is that the MIF has expert, highly trained, and professional staff who are very dedicated and responsible in their work. We have set up a large team who work tirelessly to improve and modernize the entire system, with the aim of being faster and more efficient, and to have top results, side by side with the most successful security services of the 21st century. Personnel changes take place when different factors indicate that they are necessary for further progress and modernization of the service. We are working, we are making progress, we are self-critical, but we are also a great source of support for one another.”

On the changes in the Progressive Party

‘Vučević has my absolute support’

The Progressive Party has a new president – Miloš Vučević. How do you envision the future of the Progressive Party?

“President Vučić has made the Progressive Party the biggest and most successful political party in Serbia. Recognizing Aleksandar Vučić as a capable leader and creator, a man of his word and a man of justice, who is unshakeable in his intention to build Serbia, improve it economically and politically, and create conditions for our children to stay in Serbia – our one true homeland – was a crucial fact for my entry into politics. Choosing Miloš Vučević as his successor as the president of the party is a perfectly logical and right thing to do. I respect him as a good person, who sincerely and unconditionally loves the Progressive Party and is dedicated to the idea of an independent, autonomous, and prosperous Serbia. He has my absolute support, and I’m sure that under Vučević’s leadership the Progressive Party will still be the engine of Serbia’s development.”

Congratulations for Kurir’s anniversary

‘Lasting 20 years is a great success, and this speaks volumes about your professionalism and responsibility’

Kurir is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Could you assess, very frankly, our cooperation so far? How big a headache have we been giving you?

“Lasting 20 years is a great success. So I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. This speaks volumes about your professionalism and responsibility, both on the part of the editorial team and the reporters, who manage to maintain topicality, timeliness, and accuracy of the information you provide to your readers. I wish you a long life and that pages of your newspaper are flipped through by your readers in decades to come with the same fervour and interest as they have done in the past two.”

( Velinović)