KURIR MOST POWERFUL MEDIA BRAND: Serbia’s first choice for business news, Stil women’s web portal Serbia’s No. 1


WMG continues its complete digital dominance, and Kurir has been positioned as the most powerful media brand ever since Gemius introduced the presentation of media brand power. The official June data confirm that Kurir is the most-read web portal in Serbia, with most time spent by users there, and that Kurir Television is the most-viewed generalist cable TV channel on the networks on which it is available.

Kurir the most read and visited web portal, with most time spent by users

According to the official readership figures for the Serbian web portals, Kurir.rs has been the most-read Serbian website for an incredible 67 consecutive months, with by far and ahead the greatest number of page views and visits, and the most loyal readership, who spent an average of one hour and two minutes on the web portal. As regards the total time spent on the web portals, the data shows that Kurir’s visitors spent as much as 25 percent more time on this web portal compared to Blic, and 288 percent more compared to Telegraf.

In June, Kurir had over 191 million page views, which is 31 percent more than the next-ranked competitor.

Kurir the most powerful media brand in Serbia

Ever since the Gemius data has been presented using a new interface, it has become even more evident how far head of its competitors’ web portals Kurir is.


KURIR BIZNIS: Biznis portal broj 1 u Srbiji

According to the Gemius data for June, Kurir Biznis is the first choice of people who follow information from the world of business. This confirms the fact that this web portal is a relevant destination for anyone interested in entrepreneurship, personal finance, technology, real estate, the stock exchange, as well as macro-economic topics. Compared to Blic, Kurir Biznis has 187,058 more users monthly. Kurir Biznis users spend as much as 30 percent more time on the business pages than do users of Blic Biznis, have over 32 percent more visits, and view 44 percent more pages, which speaks to the quality of the Kurir Biznis web portal content.

KURIR STIL: Women’s web portal No. 1 in Serbia

As for women’s web portals, the Gemius data shows that Kurir Stil has positioned itself as the leading website in Serbia. In June, as many as 2.06 million real users visited Stil, which is 45,168 users more than the second-ranked Blic Žena. Stil taking the lead in this category is supported by the fact that it had 2.4 million, i.e. 12 percent more page views than the second-ranked women’s website.

CABLE TELEVISION CHANNEL No. 1: Kurir Television the most viewed generalist cable television channel on the networks on which it is available

In only four years of broadcasting, Kurir Television has managed to position itself as the most-viewed cable television channel on the networks where it is available. Recently, it has often been the most viewed cable television channel in Serbia in the ‘all viewers’ category.

We have the largest viewership share and the reach that exceeds 650,000 viewers daily, as well as the highest steady annual viewership share growth (over 50 percent) of all cable channels with respect to the general viewership, with said growth exceeding 40 percent in the target group. (Source: Nielsen).

The success of our television is a result of the power of the Kurir brand, which is recognizable by its high-quality content that meets the needs of the viewers, as well as of the fact that we make over 10 hours of original programming every workday, with the best news content, plenty of family entertainment content, and popular TV series and films.


We would like to thank all of you who contribute to our successes – our readers and viewers, all our staff, our clients, and our partners.

*The research conducted by gemiusAudience monitors the visitor figures of Serbian web pages. The research includes over 100 Serbian internet websites, which is why gemiusAudience has become a standard in internet research and measurement, accepted by all the relevant media agencies, online media, and advertisers in the countries of Eastern and Central Europe. The data provided by what has as yet been the only official research into the visitor figures of the Serbian web pages are comparable and publicly available on the following web address: https://e-public.gemius.com/rs.