I'M NOT ON SOCIAL MEDIA, THAT'S A FAKE WORLD! Jezdić speaks about his new film, the coronavirus, salvation, and the cybersociety!
Actor Nenad Jezdić will add to his rich oeuvre another role of a criminal, featured in Miroslav Momčilović's film Vikend sa ćaletom (The Weekend with My Old Man). Set to hit the cinemas on 29 October, the film is centred around a seriously ill man called Kašika wishing to spend two days with his son Ognjen, who he has not seen for a long time.
'In terms of genre, this film is paradoxically classified as a sad comedy. It makes me wonder what that is exactly, how you play it, or make it, how it comes about. That was my starting point in interpreting my character and the script. If I think back to what we have gotten out of it and the roles that we played, I have to repeat what I said recently – this was without a doubt my dopest and best written part. I nearly missed it,' Jezdić said.
Actor Nenad Jezdić will add to his rich oeuvre another role of a criminal, featured in Miroslav Momčilović's film Vikend sa ćaletom (The Weekend with My Old Man). Set to hit the cinemas on 29 October, the film is centred around a seriously ill man called Kašika wishing to spend two days with his son Ognjen, who he has not seen for a long time.
'In terms of genre, this film is paradoxically classified as a sad comedy. It makes me wonder what that is exactly, how you play it, or make it, how it comes about. That was my starting point in interpreting my character and the script. If I think back to what we have gotten out of it and the roles that we played, I have to repeat what I said recently – this was without a doubt my dopest and best written part. I nearly missed it,' Jezdić said.
How do you fight in the modern world of YouTube and Instagram?
I have described that world as fake on many occasions. Wishing to actually get in touch is irreplaceable today. The cyberworld means fake identities and profiles, as well as narration without filtration. I'm not on social media and have no profiles there. You reporters are also to blame for this state of affairs. You make the wrong conclusions and put intriguing stuff into headlines, and I resent that. I wish the cyberworld and the lives that we live were more honest and had more faith and love for the fellow man.
You don't seem to ever go on a break. Are you happy to be working so hard?
I have said this before, and I will say it again. Once I heard an elderly lady say, 'Lord, just let me be able to work.' I was working when the coronavirus was at its peak, and coping with it was easier in my plot of land in Valjevo, with my fruit trees.
Where does salvation lie?
I am not competent enough to talk about that. I think that in the reality in which we live, everyone must find their own chances and the roads to personal salvation.
Kurir/ A. Čanović - Lj. Radanov/ Photo: Vladimir Šporčić
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