'I have many Serbian friends in Paris. The best security they have there – they're all Serbian,' the famous DJ reveals for Kurir

The 20th music festival Exit, taking place in Novi Sad over four days, has ended. Great artists from all over the world performed there, and David Guetta – one of the greatest stars worldwide – who had his performance on the last night, talked with Kurir in an exclusive interview.

Foto: Profimedia

Although the hitmaker arrived in Serbia from the United States on the day of his performance, Guetta was very positive and happy to be part of the festival and finally have an opportunity to perform in front of an audience – for the first time after the start of the coronavirus pandemic. He had spent a whole day travelling, but he wasn't tired – he was ready and willing to talk to the media, and Kurir was among them. Guetta talked about how he had spent time in quarantine, Exit, and music, and went straight onto the stage to meet the audience after spending time with the press.

One of your mottos is "Together Again". Can we say that this is a music reunion after the epidemic?

"Exit is a big deal. This is the first big festival where I've performed. Because of the coronavirus, I think that people have a greater appreciation of everything, especially being together again."

You have visited Serbia several times now. What do you think about our country?

"I don't know Serbia very well, to be honest, but I think that it has one of the best festivals. I've been coming here for a couple of years now, and I love Exit. I haven't had the time to learn about the culture of your country, but I hope to do that at one point."

How did you spend time in quarantine, and did you miss performing?

"I wanted to try and use the time productively. I'm hyperactive, so I did two things. I had humanitarian concerts in Miami, New York, and Dubai to raise money for people feeling the pinch during the coronavirus. This is also the first time in the last 20 years that I haven't been travelling much, so I made a lot of music. During the first two months I tried to stay in bed, but that's not exactly my thing."

Foto: Exit Promo

What do you think, how will music genres develop in the future?

"Dance music isn't in a good place due to Covid. I see how many artists are getting in touch with me again, asking me to make music for them. I think we're in a big crisis now – people want to forget about everything, and that's why I'm making music which brings good, positive energy, and relaxes people… That's what we need."

What does this performance at Exit mean to you after the coronavirus?

"It has a special meaning for me. This is my life – being on the stage and with people. I think that Exit has a special meaning for every person here today. We were all depressed because we had to stay at home during Covid, and here I get the feeling that we're free and together again. Music and football are two things that bring people together the most – today we had the Euro 2021 final and Exit."

Will your performance now be different from the previous ones?

"I have in the meantime created a music sound called Future Rave with a friend. That's going to be a big thing, many people are involved in this electronic music project. That's why I will be mixing that sort of music tonight, you'll see."

You have recently released the song "Get Together". Is the song about reunions as well, such as Exit?

"Of course! The whole song is about being together again. We live in a time of social media, which I like, but they're not real. People can post pictures that aren’t real, especially if Photoshop is used. Here is different, here is real – real people, reactions, and sharing something with someone. Nothing beats that."

How has the coronavirus affected your music?

"It has mostly affected my travels, which I had grown used to. I was always tired and made music once a week. Now I make it every day. I have far more inspiration. Yesterday, I went to bed at 7am, tonight I may go to bed at 8, because I want to catch Artbat and Solomun. It was wonderful living a normal life for a year – getting up at 9am, breakfast, working every day, and making music without pressure."

Foto: Exit Promo

What are your expectations tonight?

"I think that my sound has changed quite a lot, which you'll be able to hear tonight. For me, coming with a new style is exciting and makes me want to get on the stage even more. This is a perfect combination – I'm at the festival again and have so much new music to play."

Is it true that you have an apartment in Novi Sad? How often do you come to Serbia?

"I don't, but maybe I will – who knows. I don't come to Serbia that often, except when I come to Exit. I have many Serbian friends in Paris. The best security they have there – they're all Serbian! I know that because I'm always at clubs."

Foto: Profimedia

Kurir/ Maša Kostić

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VI STE NEVEROVATNI Pevač Sabatona održao emotivni govor: Jedva čekamo da se vratimo u Novi Sad Izvor: Kurir televizija