According to the Gemius data*, which provides official readership figures for the web portals in Serbia, Adria Media Group continues its absolute dominance in the Serbian market, with the Kurir daily being the most-read website in Serbia for 49 consecutive months.
AMG the digital publishing leader in all segments
The November data reveal that Adria Media Group is far ahead of its competitors in terms of all the parameters: we are number one in terms of real users, page views, the number of visits, and the time users have spent on our websites.
If the time that the Serbian population has spent on the AMG websites in November is added up, the total is an imposing figure of 608 years and 248 days – or an incredible 5.3 million hours. That is 79 percent higher than the publisher ranked second, and 139 percent higher than the one ranked third.
AMG has taken a convincing first place in terms of page views as well, for the fourth year in a row now. In November, the visitors of our internet editions viewed over 309 million web pages, which is 85 percent more than the second-ranked competitor, and as much as 196 percent more than the third-ranked one.
AMG's dominance is also seen in the number of visits: In November alone, the Serbian people visited our websites over 103 million times, which is 42 percent more than the second-ranked and 102 percent more than the third-ranked in the Gemius list.
Dominance in the news, woman/lifestyle and sport categories
In terms of specific categories, AMG is the leader in the news, woman/lifestyle and sport segments.
Most time spent and greatest number of page views on the Kurir website
According to the official readership figures for the Serbian web portals, confirmed its leadership position among the domestic websites in the past month as well. According to the Gemius list, Kurir is in first place in terms of page views and overall time spent by the readers on the website, while Blic has a slightly higher percentage in terms of the number of visits and real users.
Kurir has been the most-read Serbian web portal for an incredible 49 consecutive months, with the greatest number of page views and most time spent by users on the website. In November, Kurir had over 204 million page views, which is 46 percent more than the competitor that followed, and the citizens of Serbia spent as much as 47 percent more time on Kurir's website than the website of the following competitor, testifying to the fact that Kurir has the most loyal readership.
Kurir Television generalist cable channel No. 1
Kurir Television has positioned itself as the most-viewed generalist cable channel in the networks in which it is available, and is among the top ten channels in the total population, including nation-wide televisions. This is confirmed by the official television audience measurement data (Nielsen Audience Measurement), which reveals that we reach over half a million viewers on a daily basis.
The success of our television is a result of the power of the Kurir brand, which is recognizable by its original and high-quality content that meets the needs of viewers, as well as of the fact that we make over nine hours of original programming every workday.
Thank you for your trust
AMG continues to enjoy success owing to the professionalism and dedication of our team and the great trust that our readers place in us.
In addition to Kurir, Mondo, and Espreso, our specialized brands also contribute to the results of the Group:, lepaisreć,,,,,,,,, and others.
Part of the AMG family is also the advertising website, which has been growing steadily in terms of the number of advertisements and registered users. We are grateful to all those who contribute to the success of Adria Media Group: our readers, all our staff, clients, and partners.
Thank you for your trust!
* The research conducted by gemiusAudience monitors the visitor figures of Serbian web pages. The research includes over 100 Serbian internet websites, which is why gemiusAudience has become a standard in internet research and measurement, accepted by all the relevant media agencies, online media, and advertisers in the countries of the Eastern and Central Europe. The data provided by what has as yet been the only official research into the visitor figures of the Serbian web pages are comparable and publicly available on the following web address:
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