'MY SON (11) IS IN SHOCK, I DREAD TO THINK WHAT MIGHT HAVE HAPPENED!' Mother of boy wounded near Štprci manages to see Stefan
"I've just seen my son, he's in a state of shock and cannot believe what's happened," said Zorica Stojanović, mother of 11-year-old Stefan, who was wounded today alongside his relative Miloš S. (21) near Štrpci.
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"They don't even know this person. It's an Albanian man, how could they know him? The children were only getting the Yule log, and then someone just starts shooting at them out of the blue!" Zorica said, adding:
"Thankfully, he is physically alright. I dread to think how things might have turned out… We've talked and he's in a state of shock, but, thankfully, as I said, he is fine, given what might have happened," Zorica, mother of the 11-year-old boy, said in a statement for Kurir.
CRNO NA BELO - OVO SU DOKAZI O PRIPREMI GRAĐANSKOG RATA U SRBIJI! Prikazani autentični audio-snimci plana destabilizacije i pokušaja državnog udara (FOTO)