WMG continues its total dominance in digital and is the strongest media brand in the WMG's media division’s portfolio. Kurir has validated the fact that it is number 1 on all platforms on which it is present. Official data for October* show that Kurir is the most widely read and most visited portal in Serbia, that its printed edition Kurir reaches the largest number of readers and that Kurir TV is the most watched cable collage television on the networks on which it is broadcast. No other media outlet in Serbia can boast of such results.

NUMBER 1 WEBSITE IN SERBIA: Kurir, the most widely read and most visited website, with the highest average engagement time

Kurir.rs starts October blazing, as number 1 in all metrics

According to the official readership data related to news websites in Serbia, Kurir.rs recorded exceptional results in October by positioning itself as the leading website in all measured metrics. This success not only rests on the number of unique and loyal readers, where Kurir.rs ranks first, but also to the number of visited pages. For instance, in the space of just one day, Kurir 34% more people visited its pages compared to Blic. Likewise, on a daily basis, Kurir had as many as 200,000 visits more than Blic and as many as 882,000 more than Telegraf. When it comes to the engagement time, the data show that Kurir's readers spent as much as 26,000 hoursmore on the website compared to Blic and also, as many as 62,000 hours more than Telegraf.

The official readership data also show that Kurir.rs has been the most visited Serbian website for an incredible 60 consecutive months, with by far the largest number of open pages, the highest number of visits and the most loyal audience, whose engagement time was an hour on average. In terms of the total time spent on websites, the data show that Kurir's visitors stayed as much as 29% more on the website compared to Blic and 273% more compared to Telegraf.

Foto: Promo

In October, Kurir.rs was visited over 197 million times, which is 36% more than its biggest competitor.

Kurir the strongest media brand in Serbia

Since Gemius data is now displayed in the new interface, it became even more obvious how far Kurir is ahead of competitor’s websites.

Foto: Promo

KURIR STIL: Number 1 website for women in Serbia

In terms of websites for women, Gemius data show that Kurir Stil is the leading website in Serbia. In October, as many as 2.18 million unique users visited Stil, which is 173,280 users more than the second-placed Blic Žena. In support of the claim that Stil has completely taken over the primacy in this category, the fact that Style had 2.97 million, i.e. 17% more open pages than the second-ranked women's site speaks for itself.

Foto: Promo

KURIR BIZNIS: Number 1 business website in Serbia

Gemius data from October show that Kurir Biznis is the first choice for people who follow the business world. This validates the fact that this website is a relevant destination for everybody interested in entrepreneurship, personal finance, technology, real estate, the stock market, as well as macroeconomic topics. Compared to Blic, Kurir Biznis has 113,040 more users on a monthly basis. Kurir Biznis users spend as much as 36% more time on business pages than Blic Biznis users, have had 22% more visits to the website and have opened 34% more pages which demonstrates the quality of Kurir Biznis’ content.

Foto: Promo

KURIR PLANETA: Number 1 destination for following global events

Gemius data from October show that Kurir Planeta is the No. 1 choice for people who follow global events. Compared to Blic, Kurir Planeta has 64,560 more users on a monthly basis. Visitors of Kurir Planeta spend as much as 30% more time, have 36% more visits and open 59% more pages than Blic Svet’s visitors. Bearing in mind the current events in the Middle East and Ukraine, these results speak in favour of the quality of Kurir Planeta’s content and the audience’s strong trust.

Foto: Promo

NUMBER 1 CABLE TELEVISION: Kurir Televizija the most popular collage cable television on the networks where it is broadcast

Foto: Kurir

In just three years of broadcasting, Kurir Televizija has managed to position itself as the highest-rated cable television on the networks on which it is broadcast and as of recently, the most watched cable television in Serbia in the all viewers category.

We have the largest audience share and a reach that exceeds 700,000 viewers on a daily basis and we have consistently had the highest annual growth in audience share (35%) of all cable channels (Source: Nielsen).

The success of our television is the result of the power of the Kurir brand, recognized for quality content that meets the needs of viewers and the fact that every working day we produce over 10 hours of original programming, with the best information programme and lots of entertaining family content, in addition to broadcasting favourite TV series and feature films.

NUMBER 1 NEWSPAPER: Kurir reaches the highest number of readers

The Kurir daily reaches the largest number of readers of all daily newspapers, according to the latest data collated by Ipsos Strategic Marketing, which cover the first three weeks of October.

Considering that Kurir is the only media outlet in Serbia that is number 1 on all the platforms on which it is present, it is clear that Kurir’s integrated newsroom has succeeded in positioning this media outlet as the fastest and most relevant source of information, with the most entertaining content.


We would like to thank all of you who contribute to our success - our readers and viewers and all our employees, clients and partners.

*The gemiusAudience research monitors visits to Serbian websites. Over 100 Serbian websites participate in the research, which is why gemiusAudience has become a standard in online research and measurement, accepted by all relevant media agencies, online media and advertisers in Eastern and Central Europe. The data collated during this so far the only official survey of visits to Serbian websites, are comparable and publicly available at adresi https://e-public.gemius.com/rs .

Original article: https://biznis.kurir.rs/4280846/kurir-broj-1-u-srbiji-jedini-medij-koji-dominira-na-svim-platformama-broj-1-sajt-broj-1-novine-i-broj-1-kablovska-televizija