From Tuesday, one of the best ultrasound machines will be available to children, especially those suffering from malignant diseases, as well as all other patients being treated at the Paediatrics Clinic of the Clinical Centre of Niš. This machine will assist doctors in diagnostics, all thanks to the efforts of singer Nikola Rokvić, who donated it. But it all started with a chance meeting – or as the participants of this story would call it – God's will

On his spiritual journey to the monastery of Saint Nectarios of Aegina, covering 1,150 kilometres on foot, Rokvić encountered anaesthesiologist Assist. Prof Aleksandar Nikolić. A brief conversation by the road near Niš led to a premium machine worth 10,560,000 dinars being donated to the city's clinical centre.


In addition to the unplanned encounter, there is another significant aspect that connects the two – their faith in God. Nikolić believes that knowledge, expertise, and humanity are essential in medicine, but that people also need faith and hope. This is why, at the Clinic for Anaesthesia, Reanimation, and Intensive Care at the Clinical Centre of Niš, under the blessing of the Metropolitan of Niš, Arsenije, there is a prayer book where donations are collected.

“I didn’t know Nikola until 30 April when I saw him walking through Niš and approached him. We chatted briefly before he continued on his way. Following the blessing of His Eminence, the Metropolitan of Niš, Mr Arsenije, the donations collected in the prayer book of the Anaesthesia Clinic were humbly directed to support Rokvić’s humanitarian cause,” Dr Nikolić told Kurir.

Prof. dr Jelena Vojinović

A Premium Machine for a Clinic that Conducts 35,000 Examinations

Prof Jelena Vojinović, head of the Paediatrics Clinic at the Clinical Centre of Niš, emphasises that the clinic will receive a premium machine from the Porodica Foundation.

“We are receiving an ultrasound machine from General Electric, a premium machine worth 10 million dinars. It is intended to improve the diagnostics of haematological-oncological patients as well as all other paediatric patients,” Prof Vojinović explained to Kurir. She added that the clinic performs over 35,000 outpatient examinations annually, and admits between 5,000 and 6,000 patients in all departments, including two intensive care units (neonatal and paediatric).

It was 30 April. Twelve days later, Rokvić contacted the doctor. And on 12 May, which happens to be a major holiday – Saint Basil of Ostrog. Coincidence? Our interlocutors would say otherwise.

“I met Dr Aleksandar by chance near Niš, we exchanged contacts, and as I continued my journey, I read about the incredible humanitarian work he and the entire clinic do. I was deeply impressed. Since they had also donated the collected funds to our Porodica Foundation for the Belgrade Paediatric Oncology Department, and as we had already raised enough funds for Belgrade, I decided that the donation would go to Niš as well. With God's help, during the 31 days of my journey, we raised a total of 43 million dinars, and on Tuesday we will present the ultrasound machine to the clinic in Niš,” Rokvić told Kurir. He added that they also plan to donate in Belgrade and that they have some funds left, and will decide later who and what exactly to donate to, but it will certainly be for children

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Nikola Rokvić with his family on Aegina after the endeavour

Dr Nikolić emphasised that what many might describe as a chance encounter was actually much more than that.
“I am proud and grateful that I had the opportunity to meet a man who reminded us of true values – solidarity, humanity, and selfless giving. That day, during our short conversation while walking, we exchanged thoughts. I was inspired, and for the rest of the day, I kept thinking about how someone who has everything in life could expose themselves so much physically, emotionally, and mentally to achieve a goal that was not easy to reach,” Dr Nikolić recalled.



Thanks to the support of the Serbian government and the Ministry of Health, Dr Nikolić explained, the Clinical Centre of Niš operates in modern conditions, with equipment crucial for providing the best possible care:

“However, as modern medicine continues to advance daily, donations of this kind are incredibly important. This donation not only improves the work of the Paediatrics Clinic but also sets an example of how individual initiatives can significantly contribute to the community and help the youngest, who need support the most.”

Although initially, he had not planned to raise money for the Clinical Centre of Niš, Dr Nikolić noted, after achieving his primary goal, Rokvić decided to make an additional donation to the Paediatrics Clinic in Niš.

“Our seemingly random encounter resulted in the donation of a modern ultrasound machine, which will greatly improve working conditions and support the healthcare system, especially in the Oncology and Haematology Department, where a large number of children with malignant diseases are treated,” said the anaesthesiologist, adding:

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“The Porodica Foundation not only showed humanity towards the children being treated at the Clinical Centre of Niš but also set an example to be followed, especially in a society where young people are often faced with challenges as they grow and form their values. Nikola Rokvić’s actions restore faith in people and show how to follow the true values of life – those based on love, compassion, and selfless help.”

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