By Mina Branković

First child – a boy, second pregnancy – twin girls, third pregnancy – "Hold me, I'm going to faint!" was Miloš Krnić's (34) first reaction when the gynaecologist told him and his wife Jelena (34) that they were expecting triplets!

This five-member family from Konak, a village near Sečanj, will become richer by three new members at the end of October or the beginning of November.

The Krnić family had always dreamed of having a big family, though they never imagined that their third pregnancy would mean triplets.

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Their youngest son, Dušan (10), was born in 2014. Four years later, in a twin pregnancy, they welcomed Anđelija and Stefanija (6). At the end of last year, specifically the day before New Year's Eve, Jelena had a miscarriage, but a few months later, they received unbelievable news.

“When we had Dušan, we thought about having a second child and hoped for a girl. Four years later, I became pregnant, and at a check-up, the doctor told me it was twins. We didn't expect a twin pregnancy, believe me. We were very surprised, but in a positive way. Everything went well, and the doctor had faith in me that I would manage everything successfully,” Jelena Krnić tells Kurir.

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She gave birth naturally, after 27 hours of labour. Despite the challenge, everything went smoothly and as it should.

“We wanted a fourth child, and that was my initiative. I got pregnant in October last year, but the day before New Year's Eve, I had a miscarriage. Unfortunately, our children were with us at that check-up, so they also took it hard. It was a sad New Year for us, but I guess all of that led to the triplets now,” this young mother explains.

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The Doctor Was Thrilled

Triplets and Twins Conceived Naturally

All of Jelena's pregnancies were conceived naturally, which is why they were shocked, first with the twins and now with the triplets:
“The doctor was thrilled. He said that eight years ago, another woman had triplets, also conceived naturally.

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In February this year, she became pregnant again, and in March, at a check-up, the doctor told the Krnić family that they were expecting not one but three babies!

“When the doctor said, "These are triplets!", my husband replied, "I'm going to faint!" To this day, the doctor who was in the office with us always asks, "How's your husband?" He left the impression of a frightened man,” Jelena says, laughing.

“We didn't expect twins, let alone triplets. We were surprised. People didn't believe us. My husband has adjusted, though, and he says he doesn’t know how we’ll manage, but since we managed with the twins, we’ll manage this too! Everything is going well. The doctor is confident in me and thinks I’ll be able to have a natural birth with this one too.”

A Farming Family

They Wouldn’t Trade Village Life for the City

The Krnić family lives in the countryside. Jelena lived in the city for 23 years, but now she wouldn’t trade the village for anything.
“We love the countryside, and it’s a much better environment for the children to grow up in. They have more freedom here. We farm and grow crops for a living. I’ve also received support from the IPARD fund as a female farmer. In any case, we can’t complain. We’re happy with our life,” she says, content.

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She admits that carrying triplets is tough, especially in the summer. She doesn’t have a due date yet, but the doctor says the birth will be at the beginning of November or the end of October. Jelena and Miloš had genetic predispositions for twins, as there are twins on both sides of their families.

“The best thing is to hold out as long as possible. The doctor has seen that I’m carrying a boy and a girl, and he’s not sure about the third baby, but he thinks it’s a girl. The children are over the moon; they were hoping for two boys. After this pregnancy, I think we won’t plan for any more children – this will be enough. We always wanted a big family, and now we’ll have one!,” Jelena tells Kurir gratefully.

Miloš’s parents, who live on the same street, are their greatest help and support.