VIDEO KOJI JE RASPLAKAO SVET: Majka prvi put u ruke uzela prevremeno rođenog sinčića
Hugo je rođen carskim rezom deset nedelja prerano i uzeli su ga majci Džesiki pa je proveo 60 sati na posmatranju. Posle toga, medicinska sestra je donela bebu i položila je majci na grudi. Majka se rasplakala.
"On behalf of Hugo, Jessica, and myself we would like to say a humble Thank You to the Love What Matters community. The...
"Taj je video snimljen kako bi se uhvatio trenutak emocija. Ljubav je najvažnija stvar u životu, a veza između majke i deteta je neverovatno čvrsta", piše u objašnjenju snimka.
Video je podeljen više od 44.000 puta i ima više od 123.000 "lajkova".
"This is a video of the first time Jessica held her 10 week premature baby, Hugo. After being delivered by c-section he was quickly whisked away to the NICU to be evaluated. Jessica was only briefly able to see him as she needed to recover as well. It wasn't until almost 60 hours later that Jessica was finally able to hold her baby boy for the first time.I took this video hoping to catch a moment, never did I anticipate seeing the exact moment that she fell completely in love with him. The bond between Mother and Son immediately solidified. I hope that this video can show people that Love is the most important thing in anyone's life. Without it we will simply exist, when the goal is to live." <3 A="" Love="" What="" Matters="" Original="">3>
(Love what matters)
ZELENSKI ODBIO DA POTPIŠE TRAMPOVU PONUDU: „Taj dokument nije spreman, ne štiti Ukrajinu“! Poljski premijer uputio HITAN apel Evropljanima (VIDEO)