MADONA BILA HRABRA PRED RULJOM, SAD SE PRAVDA: Govorila sam metaforično o dizanju Bele kuće u vazduh
VAŠINGTON - Pop zvezda Madona pokušala je da opravda svoj govor na protestu Marš žena u Vašingtonu i izjavu da je "razmišljala o tome da raznese Belu kuću", navodeći da se samo metaforično izrazila.
Madonin (58) govor kritikovao je ogroman broj korisnika društvenih mreža, a pojedine televizijske stanice su prekinule prenos marša jer je toliko psovala da to stvarno nije bilo za slušanje.
"Nisam nasilna osoba. Govorila sam metaforično i iznela sam dva pogleda na stvari - jedan je da treba biti pun nade, a drugi da se oseća bes, kako sam se i lično osećala", navela je na Instagramu Madona.
&a style="color: #000; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 17px; text-decoration: none; word-wrap: break-word;" href="Yesterday's Rally. was an amazing and beautiful experience. I came and performed Express Yourself and thats exactly what i did. However I want to clarify some very important things. I am not a violent person, I do not promote violence and it's important people hear and understand my speech in it's entirety rather than one phrase taken wildly out of context. My speech began with " I want to start a revolution of love." ♥️ I then go on to take this opportunity to encourage women and all marginalized people to not fall into despair but rather to come together and use it as a starting point for unity and to create positive change in the world. I spoke in metaphor and I shared two ways of looking at things — one was to be hopeful, and one was to feel anger and outrage, which I have personally felt. However, I know that acting out of anger doesn’t solve anything. And the only way to change things for the better is to do it with love. It was truly an honor to be part of an audience chanting “we choose love”.
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