Siemens, Continental, Henkel, I.G.Bauerhin, Dräxlmaier, Dr. Oetker, ThyssenKrupp, Dunkermotoren, Stada, Fresenius Medical Care, Knott Autotoflex – samo su neke od nemačkih kompanija koje već dve decenije spuštaju sidro u Vojvodini. Nemačka je vodeća zemlja u Vojvodini po visini investicija i broju zaposlenih.

U 54 aktivne nemačke kompanije u Vojvodini radi 22.174 ljudi, a to je 23% od ukupno zaposlenih u stranim kompanijama. One su uložile 1,48 milijardi evra, što je 14% od ukupnih stranih investicija u Pokrajini. Većina nemačkih kompanija u Vojvodini posluje u sektoru prateće automobilske industrije. Tu su Bosch GmbH, IGB Automotive (ćerka-firma kompanije I.G. Bauerhin), DAD Dräxlmaier Automotive (ćerka-firma Dräxlmaier Group), Norma Group, ContiTech (ćerka-firma kompanije Continental AG), ZF, BMTS, SD Hirsch Automotive i druge. Pored ostalih pogodnosti, ovim kompanijama odgovara geografska lokacija koja omogućava Just-in-Time/Just-in-Sequence proizvodnju. A sektoru agrobiznisa ovde posluju Mamminger konserven-SRB, Dr. Oetker, KWS Srbija (ćerka-firma kompanije KWS SAAT SE & Co. KgaA), Sano (ćerka-firma kompanije Bernhard Waldinger GmbH); tu su kompanije iz građevinske industrije Henkel, Thyssenkrupp, TCS, Geze: tu su Mühlbauer, B+B Sensor Solutions (matična B+B Thermo-Technik GmbH), Continental Automotive, Siemens; IT kompanije Codecentric i Frobas, tu su i Frezenius Medical Care (proizvodnja medicinske opreme) i Hemofarm (farmacija), Linde gas (matična Linden Aktiengesellschaft), tekstilci Mehler, metalci EBM-Papst, i mnogi drugi.

Zašto je Nemačka broj jedan investitor u Vojvodini i zašto su veliki investitori ovde i Italija, SAD, Francuska, Slovenija, Austrija? Za postoji to nekoliko važnih razloga: optimal racio between cost, productivity, and quality of workforce, competitive operating expences, favorable tax system, generous incentives, ideal geographic location that allows the most efficiently implement JIT/JIS production models and to cost-effectively distribute aftermarket products to the region (positioned at the intersection point of two major European corridors - Corridor VII and Corridor X as well as Corridor XI), only one border crossing the EU along with duty-free export to many countries, allows companies to serve their global markets from a single location. The region of Vojvodina is uniquely positioned for global trading offering duty-free access to over 1 billion consumers.

  • mapa

  • nemačke firme izjave

#1 fast dial à Vojvodina Development Agency – RAV

All foreign companies that already operate in Vojvodina, and those that are just considering coming, should know that they have a reliable partner in the Development Agency of Vojvodina. As a regional investment promotion agency, established by the Provincial Government, RAV provides a comprehensive package of advisory and assistance services to companies looking to establish their business in the region of Vojvodina. Due to its close association with various state and provincial government institutions and extensive network of local partners from the private sector, academic institutions and business associations - RAV represents trusted source for obtaining the most reliable information needed for making an informed investment decision.

#RAV Services à

Tailor made reports on business environment, operative expenses, incentives, tax and work regulations, available work force, logistics, etc.

Identifying investment locations

Identifying potential suppliers

Organizing visits to investment locations

Facilitating negotiations with municipalities, private property owners and local companies

Guiding you through the building, permitting and other administrative procedures

After care

#Najava RAV događaja