Prepravkom malih stvari možete učiniti život prijatnijim

Ponekad, neke stvari možete uraditi na pravi način ili na pravilan način. Nekada su ta dva načina ista stvar. Evo 10 svakodnevnih operacija koje sada možete uraditi sa lakoćom.

1. Kako da efikasno oljuštite jaje.

Source: Fastest possible way to peel an egg! by cookingonline on Rumble

2. Kako da operete boce čudnog oblika.

Source: How to wash oddly shaped bottles by littlethings on Rumble

3. Kako da odmaglite prozore.

Source: De-fog a mirror or any glass surface using shaving cream by littlethings on Rumble

4. Sprečite odeću da spada s ofingera jednim veoma jednostavnim trikom.

Source: Life Hack: Turn a regular hanger into a non-slip hanger with one easy step by littlethings on Rumble

5. Zatvorite kesu s hranom nečim što verovatno bacate u đubre.

Source: Life hack: Seal every bag of food in your house with something you'd usually throw away by littlethings on Rumble

6. Ukusno! Napravite sendvič sa sladoledom.

Source: Life Hack: how to make perfect ice cream sandwiches by littlethings on Rumble

7. Smanjite potrošnju grejanja.

Source: Clever way to save money on heating bills by yongnam367c on Rumble

8. Otvorite bocu soka papirom.

Source: How to open a soda bottle with a piece of paper by bobbytv on Rumble

9. Odvojite žumance od belanceta.

Source: How to separate egg yolk from the white by nowhow on Rumble

10. Napravite sveću od konzerve sa tunjevinom.

Source: Survival life hack: Transform tuna can into torch by LifeHacks4You on Rumble