(VIDEO) DOBRE VIBRACIJE: Prijateljstvo ljudi i divljih životinja
1. Medved mu jede iz ruke.
Source: Man feeds wild bear through window in Siberia by Hitnar on Rumble
2. Kolibri mu sleteo na prst.
Source: Hand feeding a wild hummingbird by Macropod on Rumble
3. Lavica otvara vrata.
Source: Lion casually opens car door by kkahlm on Rumble
4. Pliva u meduzama.
5. I morski lavovi vole da se igraju.
Source: Sea Lion playfully attacks diver by dtrescot on Rumble
6. Hapšenje pingvina.
Source: Peruvian penguin taken into custody by ReutersNews on Rumble
7. Život sa gepardima.
Source: Walking with cheetahs in South Africa by JWatsonTV on Rumble
8. Slon pronašao prijatelja.
Source: Elephant shows affection for human friend by Sike_ on Rumble
9. Bambi misli da mu je ovaj čovek majka.
Source: Baby fawn thinks human is its mother by LittleThingsVideo on Rumble
10. Lavovi ne vole da budu sami.
Source: Lion cubs show love to human friend by NataliaCara on Rumble
"DAĆU SVE OD SEBE DA SE SAČUVA MIR I STABILNOST" Vučić: "Biću opet ponosan zato što sam bio na strani časti, na strani slobode, na strani istine" (VIDEO)