(VIDEO) JEZIVA SCENA U AUSTRALIJI: Zmija jede samu sebe!
Zmija iz Australije htela je samo da se otarasi svoje stare kože ali je sve krenulo pogrešnim putem.
U snimku koji je okačen na Fejsbuk stranicu centra za zmije, u kojem ona živi, izgleda kao da pokušava da pojede samu sebe, ali ona je samo pogrešila i nije mogla da se oslobodi.
Nakon tri sata mučenja ona je naišla na rupu u staroj koži i tako se izbavila.
This deserves to go viral. Visitors to the Reptile Centre asked us about the snake shedding its skin and this is what was happening. It's a Stimson's Python and has managed to shed completely within itself with its tail finishing inside its 'sloughed mouth'! So the Stimmy now fully sloughed is just going round and round inside its sloughed skin! It actually looks like a steering wheel. Have been in the reptile business a long time and have never seen anything quite like it. Have seen similar but nothing as perfect as this. By the way he has now busted through!
"SINIŠA JE OBEZBEDIO GIRICE, JA JABUKE" Predsednik Vučić i ministar Mali obišli gradilište EKSPA - Divim se ovim hrabrim radnicima, stvari idu ODLIČNO (VIDEO)