(FOTO) DOBRO POGLEDAJTE: Možete li da uočite golo telo žene na ovoj slici?
New post (Can You Spot The Naked Woman In This Photograph?) has been published on GoldRush News 247 http://www.goldrushnews247.com/2015/11/can-you-spot-the-naked-woman-in-this-photograph/
Naime, tehnikom bojenja i fotografijom, umetnik Jorg Dutersvald iz Nemačke stopio je jesenju idilu sa nagim telom žene.
WELL HERE SHE ISAt first you cant see her but on closer inspection, hidden within the landscape is a model,Nadine,...
ZELENSKI ODBIO DA POTPIŠE TRAMPOVU PONUDU: „Taj dokument nije spreman, ne štiti Ukrajinu“! Poljski premijer uputio HITAN apel Evropljanima (VIDEO)