(FOTO) POGODITE KO JE KO: Nećete moći da razlikujete ove glumce i njihove kaskadere i dvojnike
Iako nam moderna tehnologija omogućava zapanjujuće video efekte, te mislimo da su popularni glumci svemoćni i veoma izdržljivi, zapravo teži deo posla obavljaju hrabri kaskaderi i dvojnici koji svkodnevno rizikuju svoj život kako bi oduševili ljude u celom svetu.
Dvejn Džonson "Stena"
Is even hotter than the actor he's portraying, which we didn't think was possible! 10 Mind-Blowing Photos of Celebrities With Their Stunt Doubles —> http://bit.ly/1RlwPDt
Šaja Lebaf
Shia Labeouf with stunt double on the Transformers set in 2007How many following BBCA are interested in Stage Combat,...
Lusi Loules i dvojnica Zoi Bel
Šarliz Teron
Charlize Theron and Stunt Double Alicia Vela-Bailey
Dženifer Lopez i njen dvojnik
Jennifer Lopez was seen on the set of her music video "Follow The Leader" today in Mexico, alongside her stunt double......
Tom Kruz
#tbt back to when i was Tom Cruise's Stunt Double in Mission Impossible 2.
Bred Pit
The world could use more Brad Pitt...even if it's in the form of a stunt double! http://eonli.ne/Q4wa59
Natali Porman i balerina Sara Lejn
Natalie Portman & Stunt Double Ballerina Sarah Lanevia Funny Facts
Rob Petison
Alison Hanigan
Daniel Redklif, Robi Koltrejn i dvojnici
Daniel Radcliffe, Robbie Coltrane and Stunt Doubles
Uma Turman i dvojnica Zoi Bel
BEHIND THE SCENES: Uma hangs out with stunt double Zoë Bell between scenes.Watch Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2 NOW with the Miramax eXperience app!http://apps.miramax.com/
Harison Ford i Vik Armstrong
From the book Vic Armstrong - StuntmanVic and Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.Image courtesy of Titan Publishing Group
Tom Hardi i Tom Tomuri
Tom Hardy(left) and his stunt double Jacob Tomuri(right) in Mad Max : Fury Road (2015).
Majkl Daglas i Majk Ranjard
Michael Douglas with his body double, Mike Runyard, on his final day on the Ant-Man set: http://on.fb.me/1B7mc08
Pogodite ko je od ove dvojice Džoni Dep
DOUBLE DEPP: One of these guys is Johnny Depp and the other is his stunt double. Who is who? Find out Thursday morning...
Endrju Garfild
These is actor Andrew Garfield, right, rehearses a scene with his stunt double at the “The Amazing Spider-Man 2″ movie set.
Kris Evans
Chris and his stunt double. With Bucky in the back.
Ema Vatson
Džon Travolta
my stepson Nick Loren who is John Travolta's stunt double
Aleksander Skarsgard
Alex with his stunt double. #EricNorthman #TrueBlood #AlexanderSkarsgård Gyllene
Kris Hemsvort
There's two of them! Chris Hemsworth was joined on set by a stunt double as he got to work on the Thor sequel today (Tuesday)
Vil Arnet Ejmi Pohler
Famous Actors With Their Stunt Doubles Will Arnett and Amy PoehlerAlthough you are probably not always aware of...
Megan Foks
Megan Fox & her stunt double on TMNT.
Kejt Vinslet
Mark Rufalo
Mark Ruffalo and his stunt double Anthony Molinari, on the set of “Now You See Me”Source: Bobby Bank / WireImage / Getty Images
Liam Neson
Liam Neeson chats with his stunt double on the set of Taken 3 in Los Angeles.
Kristijan Slejter
CRNO NA BELO - OVO SU DOKAZI O PRIPREMI GRAĐANSKOG RATA U SRBIJI! Prikazani autentični audio-snimci plana destabilizacije i pokušaja državnog udara (FOTO)