(FOTO) ONE SU STVORILE ISTORIJU: 35 žena koje ne smemo da zaboravimo!
Ipak, s vremena na vreme ljudima je neophodan podsetnik na sve one neverovatne žene koje su uradile velike stvari.
1. Ketrin Svicer prva je žena koja je trčala Bostonski maraton. Kao što možete videti, organizatore ova činjenica nije baš usrećila.
As we celebrate the Boston marathon today, a reminder that the first woman to complete the race was Katherine Switzer,...
2. Francuske majke štite svoju decu od pucnjave 1944. godine.
French mothers shielding their children from gunfire in 1944, France WWII.By Admin(Requesting everyone not to argue...
3. Neke od prvih žena koje su se priključile marincima na zakletvi 1918. godine.
Some of the first females to join the U.S. Marine Corps. swear in during a 1918 ceremony....SEMPER FI !!!!!!!!
4. Mod Vagner prva poznata tatu umetnica, fotografisana 1907. godine.
This is Maud Wagner. She's cooler than you ever will be. First well established female tattooist and contortionist and...
5. "Vini zavarivačica", radi na brodogradilištu 1943. godine.
"Winnie the Welder" working in a shipyard in 1943.
6. Pilotkinje za vreme Drugog svetskog rata.
A SALUTE TO THE LADIES WHO RULED THE SKIES DURING WORLD WAR II. WE LOVE THE NAME OF THEIR B-17 !Female pilots leaving their B-17, "Pistol Packin' Mama" [c. 1941 - 1945].
7. Anet Kelerman pozira u kupaćem kostimu koji je doveo do toga da 1907. bude uhapšena zbog nepristojnosti.
Annette Kellerman posing in the swimsuit that got her arrested for indecency in 1907.
8. Samurajka iz 1800. godine.
Ø Ø Ø A friend of Cenin Ø Ø Ø (tag yourself)A female samurai from the 1800's.
9. Jermenka (106), brani svoj dom 1990. godine.
106-year old Armenian woman protecting her home with an AK-47, 1990
10. Elen Onil, jedna od prvih profesionalnih skejtborderki 1976.
Ellen O'Neal.Ellen was one of the first female professional skateboarders in the late 1970s. She helped bring the sport of skating into the mainstream, and looked really cool while doing it.
11. Leola N. King, prva saobraćajna policajka 1918. godine.
Leola N, King, America’s first female traffic cop, Washington D.C, 1918:
12. Prvi ženski košarkaški tim 1902. godine.
As UConn Women's Basketball looks to take on Penn State tonight, we thought we'd share this historic photo of the team...
13. Američke medicinske sestre, Normandija, Francuska 1944. godine.
14. Bajkerke iz kluba "Hell's Angels" 1973. godine.
15. Margaret Burk-Vajt se penje na Krajsler zgradu radi fotografisanja 1934. godine.
Margaret Bourke-White takes a photograph atop the Chrysler Building in 1930, the year it opened. (More than 1,000 feet...
16. Žene koje učestvuju u trci rolera 1950. godine.
Women's league roller derby skaters in New York. [March 10, 1950]
17. Amelia Erhart, prva žena koja je preletela Atlantski okean 1928. godine.
#HappyBirthday Amelia Earhart! This aviatrix was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic, a stunt which earned...
18. Avganistanke studiraju medicinu 1962. godine.
19. Bokserke na krovu zgrade u Los Anđelesu 1933. godine.
20. Ženska koalicija oslobođenja protestuje za jednaku platu 1970.
Women's Liberation Coalition marching for equal pay in 1970.
21. Radnice železnice na pauzi za ručak 1943. godine.
35. "Noćne veštice", ruske pilotkinje koje su nanele ogromnu štetu okupatoru. 1940. godina.
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